Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The phenomenon of those who stayed and who left

 The phenomenon of those who stayed and who left

The contrast between the fierce Viking fighters and the current kind and shy Swedes is striking. I worked for two years at the Swedish University and was surprised to the extreme by the Swedes. My friends in Moscow did not believe in the survival of such people. The difference between Swedes and Muscovites is like the difference between Muscovites and Caucasians. How could these people originate from the Vikings? Simply. 2000 years ago, the Scandinavians made the world's best iron, saw, ax, drill. Therefore, boards and the fastest ships, and the possibility of sea raids and relocations. For 2000 years, 60 generations, all Scandinavians with a drill in their ass left for other countries and turned into the founders of Russia and arrogant Americans. Genetically and culturally kind, patient people remained in Sweden. So the remaining villagers are more honest and kinder than the villagers who left, the townspeople. The American Civil War was so brutal because it was fought by those who left. So we, the scientists dumped in America, are bolder and more active than the rest. At 70 years old, we play a ball and do not meddle in our own business. The translation was made by Google, I did not edit it, it’s more honest, albeit with errors.

Феномен оставшихся и уехавших

 Феномен оставшихся и уехавших


Поразителен контраст свирепых бойцов викингов и теперешних добрых и стеснительных шведов. Я проработал два года в Шведском университете и был удивлен шведами до крайности. Мои московские друзья не верили в возможность выживания таких людей. Разница между шведами и москвичами, как разница между москвичами и кавказцами. 

Как эти люди могли произойти из викингов? 


2000 лет назад скандинавы делали лучшую в мире сталь, пилу, топор, сверло. Следовательно, доски и быстрейшие суда, и возможность морских набегов и переселений.

За 2000 лет, 60 поколений, все скандинавы со сверлом в жопе уехали в иные страны и превратились в основателей Руси и наглых американцев. В Швеции остались генетически и культурно добрые терпеливые люди. 

Так оставшиеся селяне честнее и добрее уехавших селян, горожан. 

Гражданская война в Америки была такой жестокой, потому что ее вели уехавшие.

Так мы, свалившие в Америку ученые, наглее и активнее оставшихся. В 70 лет мы гоняем мячик и лезем не в свое дело.

Party machines should be less democratic and more hierarchical

 Party machines should be less democratic and more hierarchical


Both the Republican Party and Democratic Party multiple times failed to promote candidates, which deserve to lead the United States. The candidates had been promoted more on their promises, handsome appearance, and voice, than leadership merits. Who is able to objectively estimate the merits? People, who personally worked with candidates for years. 

Merit-based hierarchy is the principle behind the long-term survival of old democratic companies like John Deere or IBM. A person should be promoted by a search committee and pass the Board of Directors filter to be the CEO. Shareholders elect the Board, here is the democracy. 

Younger super companies imitate democracy. Apple was created and lead by authoritarian Steve Jobs, who was fired, but at the boundary of bankruptcy invited back. Steve Jobs worked with Tim Cook for many years before promoting him to CEO, it is the key to success. Tim Cook did not promise unrealistic goals and did not criticize his friends, it is also part of Apple's success. By the way, a similar hierarchical model is behind China's rise.

Primaries of any party produce unfit self-promoted activists unless a top dozen of party bosses (a search committee) does not promote a candidate, well known to them, who worked his way up inside the hierarchy. The fundraising model of democracy should be abandoned to make America great again.