Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The world is multidimensional and its evolution is chaotic, but knowable due to attraction to simple solutions, attractors

1. The simplest attractor is the minimum of energy, which is known even to kittens. A thrown object, including a kitten, attracts to the floor, not to the ceiling or wall. Spilled on the floor water flows even lower. Kittens do not know about the stability of atomic nuclei, but the nuclei are stable because of a minimum of energy.
2. The thermal equilibrium of Boltzmann is important since the world is locally close to it.
3. The famous Lorenz attractor  models the atmosphere and compresses the dimension by 10 ^ 45 times. It is chaotic and therefore it is understood basically by mathematicians and physicists.
4. Money is both an invariant and an attractor, so money explains the behavior of people and countries rather well.
5. My old results are solitons as an attractor, a turbulent attractor in tokamaks, vortex attractors, singularities. These attractors are constructed from invariants, laconic rails of physics, see

Now I'm working on attractors for AI/ML. Stable attractors truncate data volume by many orders of magnitude. The brain works as an associative chain of attractors.

The world is knowable due to attractors and invariants.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Was the transfer of iron smelting technology from China to Europe the cause of the Industrial Revolution?

This technology transfer is one of the largest, but not well known. Iron melts at high temperatures, which has not been achieved in Europe. For this reason, expensive wrought iron has been produced on an insignificant scale over thousands of years.

The transfer lasted from 500BC to 1500CE, traveling through modern India, Pakistan and Iran to Germany. Many Europeans believe that the technology was created independently, while 2000 years later.
What do you think?